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Union Parishad Working Committee

Sections 30, 31, 32 and 33 of the Local Government (Union Council) Ordinance, 1983 deal with the functions of the Union Parishad. The functions of the Union Parishad are mainly divided into five parts. The union council works in municipal, police and security, revenue and administration, development and poverty alleviation and justice in the union area.


Police and security

Revenue and Administration

Development and Poverty Alleviation


Municipal functions

Section 30 of the Local Government (Union Council) Ordinance, 1983 deals with municipal works. Municipal functions are divided into two categories, mandatory and optional functions. However, in addition to these functions, the government may order all or specific Union Parishads to perform other duties. The government can give responsibility to the Union Parishad through any other law in force. Union Parishad has 10 compulsory tasks and 38 optional tasks.

Mandatory functions

Law maintains law and order and assists the administration in this regard.

Takes various measures to curb crime, disorder and smuggling.

It carries out activities in agriculture, plantation, fisheries and animal husbandry, health, cottage industry, irrigation, communication etc.

Expand family planning activities.

Develop local resources and ensure their utilization.

Protects public property like roads, bridges, culverts, dams, canals, telephones, electricity etc.

Reviews the development activities of other organizations at the union level and makes recommendations to the upazila executive officer if necessary.

Encourages people to use sanitary latrines.

Registers births and deaths, blind, beggars and destitutes.

Conducts all types of censuses.

Optional functions

The Union Parishad arranges and maintains roads and highways.

Monitors the provision of public spaces, open spaces, parks and playgrounds.

Provides lighting on public roads, highways and public places.

Planting and conservation of trees in general and especially planting and protecting trees on roads, highways and public places.

Maintains and manages cemeteries, cremation grounds, public meeting places and other public properties.

Arranges and maintains tourist accommodation.

Controls public roads, highways and public places and prevents unauthorized entry into those places.

    Stop and control emissions on public roads, streets, designated areas.

Undertakes supervision of rivers, forests etc., development of sanitary system and other measures for cleanliness of the Union.

Collects and removes dung and garbage.

Regulates criminal and dangerous business.

Removes and controls dead animal bodies.

Regulates animal slaughter.

Regulates construction and remodeling of buildings in the Union.

Controls dangerous buildings and structures.

Maintains and maintains wells, water mills, reservoirs, ponds and other water supply works.

Take measures to purify drinking water sources and prevent contamination.

Prohibition of use of water from wells, ponds or other places of water supply suspected to be injurious to public health.

Prohibits or restricts bathing, washing clothes or bathing animals in or near wells, ponds or other water supplies reserved for drinking water.

Prohibits the watering of hemp, jute or other plants in or near wells, ponds or other water supplies reserved for drinking water.

Prohibits or restricts tanning or tanning of leather within residential areas.

Excavation of soil and removal of stones or other objects within residential areas is prohibited.

Prohibits or restricts construction of brick, earthenware or other kilns in residential areas.

Lists livestock or other animals for sale.

Organizes fairs and exhibitions.

Ensures observance of public festivals.

Prepares for fire, flood, hail, storm, earthquake or other natural disasters.

Helping widows, orphans, poor and distressed people.

Development of sports.

Works on industrial and social development, cooperative movement and development of rural industries and encourages people to participate in these fields.

Adopts additional food production measures.

Works on environmental management.

Provides control and maintenance of cattle rust.

Arranges first aid centers.

Provides libraries and libraries.

Promotes co-operation with other organizations engaged in similar activities to the Union Parishad.

Assists in the development of education under the direction of the District Commissioner.

Takes other measures necessary for the safety, comfort or convenience of residents or visitors to the Union.

Union Parishad performs 4 social, economic and developmental responsibilities under municipal and development work. Namely:



The development of Rastmaghat at the village level is the responsibility of the Union Parishad. Union Parishad constructs and preserves rastma, pool, culvert for movement and taking produce to the market. The Union Parishad took initiatives to provide electric lights along Rastma for the convenience of public movement. Union Parishad planted trees on both sides of Rastma and encouraged people in this regard. The Union Parishad will contact the upazila agriculture officer and related organizations so that the villagers can buy seedlings of different varieties of trees. The Union Parishad encouraged people about the benefits of planting cash fruits and medicinal trees.


Education, Agriculture, Health and Family Welfare

The Union Parishad carries out the responsibilities of improving the management of village primary schools, encouraging school-going boys and girls to go to school and implementing various educational programs of the government. Agriculture development based on Union Parishad real survey