Civil Service Information Table
Name of Service Provider Office : No. 10 Lakshipur Model Union Agricultural Office
Service Name
Responsible Officer/Employee
Short service delivery method
The time and cost required to obtain the service
Relevant laws and regulations
/ Rules / Policies
Next remedial officer in case of failure to get specified service
Licensing of Retail and Wholesale Dealers of Pesticides
1. Upazila Agriculture Officer
2. Agricultural Extension Officer
3. Deputy Assistant Plant Protection Officer (SAPPO)
The applicant has to submit a retail license application form. The inspector verifies the matter of the applicant on site and submits a report to the UAO. The application along with all the documents are sent to the district. After the approval of the Deputy Director in the district, the license is issued by the PPS and sent to the Upazila office. Then the license is provided to the applicant from the upazila office.
10-15 days;
1. Pesticide retailer new license fee 300 taka and renewal fee- 200 taka,
2. Pesticide wholesaler's new license fee is Tk 1000 and renewal fee is Tk 500.
The Pesticide Ordinance, 1971, Pesticide Rules 1985 and Pesticide Rules Amendment 2010
Deputy Director
Technology support
1. Upazila Agriculture Officer
2. Additional Agricultural Officer
3. Agricultural Extension Officer
4. Assistant Agricultural Extension Officer
5. Deputy Assistant Agricultural Officer (SAAO)
Upazila/Union Committees are informed about new technologies and awareness meetings are organized with farmers. Communicates agricultural technology and information to all types of farmers through group and personal communication. Technology training is imparted by selection of demonstration plots and progressive/interested farmers in case of tested technologies and selection of subject-oriented and area-specific technologies. In the case of technology transfer suitable for application in the field, various stages include setting up of farmers' field demonstration plots, inspection/consultation, monitoring, organizing field day celebrations and rallies, and sample cropping and preparation of reports. In case of serious problems, feedback is collected or based on the opinion of the farmer and the results obtained, the report is sent to the research institute and the higher authorities.
25-33 days; free
According to Agricultural Extension Manual
Deputy Director
Support in quality seed production
1. Upazila Agriculture Officer
2. Additional Agricultural Officer
3. Agricultural Extension Officer
4. Assistant Agricultural Extension Officer
5. Deputy Assistant Agricultural Officer (SAAO)
Interested and progressive growers are trained and trained on land selection and informed about important conditions and precautions. Field days and rallies are organized by setting up demonstration plots, field visits, providing advice, monitoring, rouging or sorting at appropriate times and providing necessary assistance in collection, grading and proper storage of seeds/grains produced. The surrounding progressive and common farmers are encouraged and advised to produce and use truthful level seeds. Assistance is provided in seed sales/investment among other growers.
In the interim, seed quality is checked and seed treatment is ensured before sowing the seeds in the next year, along with the necessary advice for the next year's seed production.
1-6 months; free
According to Agricultural Extension Manual
Deputy Director
Assistance in obtaining agricultural loans
1. Deputy Director of Headquarters (Fa: Eco:)
2. Upazila Agriculture Officer
3. Additional Agricultural Officer
4. Agricultural Extension Officer
5. Assistant Agricultural Extension Officer
6. Deputy Assistant Agricultural Officer (SAAO)
Farmers are informed about the loan facilities and applicable interest rates. The number of suitable/interested farmers willing to take loan is known through meeting with the farmers. The union committee prepares a list of suitable farmers who are willing to take agricultural loans from government and private institutions and after verifying the suitability of interested and progressive farmers, the priority list is prepared and sent to the upazila committee with recommendations. The upazila committee presents the priority list, approves it and sends it to the concerned bank with recommendations for obtaining loans. Assistance is provided in obtaining agricultural loans from government and private institutions and in favor of this, assistance is provided in formulating crop production plans.
Assisting Bangladesh Bank in formulating loan disbursement policy by providing production cost of major staple crops Assisted in transfer of loan amount to farmer's bank account by concerned bank.
6-7 days; free
According to Agricultural Extension Manual
Deputy Director
Agricultural Information and Communication Technology Support
1. Upazila Agriculture Officer
2. Additional Agricultural Officer
3. Agricultural Extension Officer
4. Assistant Agricultural Extension Officer
5. Deputy Assistant Agricultural Officer (SAAO)
Various advisory centers provide assistance to agriculturists, farmers and public regarding any information, advice, technology etc. related to agriculture. That is why farmers are encouraged to take help from advisory centres, agriculture offices, AICC, UICC etc. and media and informed about the rules and regulations. In addition, posters, festoons containing the address of program promotion schedule, e-mail, website etc. are distributed. Any information related to agriculture can be taken from DAE/AIS website. Display, store and display various information and technologies at district, upazila, union and block level
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS