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Union Health Centre

How to get what service

       Family planning services include:


        Temporary Method: Food Pills, Condoms, Injections (FWA) delivered door to door by field workers.


        Implanon, IUD and permanent methods (men and women): These services are provided at the headquarters clinics of family planning offices and health and family welfare centers and temporary camps in Thana area.


       Mother Child Health Services:


Pregnant and pregnancy services: Satellite clinics, health and family welfare centers, head quarter clinics of police stations, district level mother and child welfare centers, service recipients have to attend (free of cost) services.


Obstetric services: Services are provided at advanced health and family welfare centers and at district level mother and child welfare centers (free of charge). Obstetrics and cesarean operations are provided at mother and child welfare centers (free of charge).


Reproductive Health and Adolescent Health Services:


These services are provided through Mother and Child Welfare Centre, Upezla Family Planning Office Headquarter Clinic, Union Health and Family Welfare Centre, Satellite Clinic and Family Welfare Assistants.




  Citizen Charter of Union Health Centre:-


1. Access to medical care in hospitals is the right of all

2. 8.30 AM to 2.30 PM (Except Public Holidays)

3. Emergency Department open 24 hours (including public holidays and all other holidays)

4. Providing all types of medical services and necessary advice according to existing facilities in the outpatient department.

5. Medicines are provided free of cost for supply, but some medicines may need to be purchased from outside the medical center by the beneficiary.

6. Free food supply to admitted patients

7. Free Blood, Stool, Cough Test and X-ray facility as per doctor's advice

8. 24 hour treatment facility with ORT corner for diarrhea patients

9. 24 hour emergency obstetric care (delivery) medical facility

10. General and major operation services as per existing facilities

11. Tuberculosis treatment and free medicines under direct supervision of health workers (DOTs).

12. Vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, whooping cough, measles and polio, tuberculosis and hepatitis for children aged 0-1 years.

13. Children aged 0-5 years are treated separately at IMCI corner.

14. Treatment of pneumonia

15. TT 5 dose Dhanushtankar vaccine as per schedule for women aged 15-49 years.

16. Health, nutrition and reproductive health education for patients and their companions.

17. Advising on family planning among able-bodied couples and assisting in selection of methods

18. Providing more intensive services to patients referred from various sub-health centers, health and family welfare centers.

19. Refer any patient to district hospital for better treatment if necessary.

20. Inter-departmental admission and treatment of eligible patients.

21. Ambulance service is open to all under government policy.